Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Little by little...

...buntyandsars is charming her way back in to my consciousness. She's made a pot of tea and put some jam fancies on a pretty little plate and settled in for a chat. I did tell her a little while back she was welcome to have some time out, some me time. A little holiday in the sun. Turns out she was homesick and missing me, so here she sits at the kitchen table in my mind asking incessantly what shall the pair of us get up to next?
I'm not sure what to do. I was intending to have a couple of months with a shifted focus. A focus on my fast growing kidlets and newly renovated (and fabulously marvelous) house. The question is should I persist with this buntyandsars hiatus? Should I give myself a bit longer to regain perspective? I want to come back to my beloved buntyandsars with fresh eyes and potentially new angles and I worry that this lovely little lady sitting at my kitchen table has arrived too soon. It's just so hard to send her away!

As I type I sit here in my neglected, disheveled drawing room I feel at home and at ease. I feel enthused about the revamping I have planned in here and my bigger, better extended drawing room. It's currently packed to the rafters with homeless house ephemera so it won't be mine for a while yet. But that potential is exciting, don't you think?

Then my eyes drift to some of my drawings and my fingers itch. I haven't picked up a pencil for a while now. Other than to write down the measurements for our windows. I have so many angles I want to approach my drawing from. Too many, perhaps. So many I'm worried that if I start, I'll retreat into a world of pastel dust and watercolour, never to be seen again. My family would be a little miffed about that.

I think the trickiest trick of this buntyandsars thing at the moment, is resolving what seems to be her identity crisis. Maybe we need to make a fresh pot of tea and chat a little longer. Perhaps open a packet of iced vo vo's.
What is buntyandsars? Is she a children's brand? Is she the work of an incessant illustrator? Is she a chameleon, capable of evolving and adapting to my every whim? Is she a boutique market product? Is she an online gem with many facets? It feels a bit of all of these at the moment. I'm not sure that it's working. Hmmmmm, again. Feel free (please!) to swing by and share a cuppa with us and leave your thoughts in the comments section. Tell me what you favorite buntyandsars bits are and what bits you'd like more of. I would be forever grateful. I'll even fill up the tea pot again. What do you fancy? Earl grey?

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