...our house. I'm just trying to decide which kind so I can solve it. Sometimes I think it's a bit like a 2000 piece jigsaw that's been upended then scattered throughout all the rooms. On other occasions it's more like one of those flat, square, slidy number ones where you need to move the 7 so you can get the 3 out in order to line it up next to the 2. Just as soon as you can slide the 1 out from behind the 6. Do you remember those? Infuriating.
This post renovation stage is almost as stressful as the renovation itself. Have I mentioned that without order I'm as crazy as a crazy thing? That's why I keep finding myself biting my nails and staring with a look of agitation on my face at the chaos which lies before me. Eventually when we get the right pieces of furniture in the right places, order will be restored. A place for everything and everything in it's place, or some such!
Getting creative is helping take mind off the muddle. The medicine cabinet I promised to get on with in my last post has sat gathering dust while my scatterbrain started several other projects simultaneously, this week. The picture above is last weekend's accomplishment. A vintage, sheet fabric doona cover for my little girl's big girl bed.
This is the beginning of my entirely hand painted kitchen splash back. I'm completely suckered in to this job. Thankfully. It's going to be happening for some time yet, I've got around fifty to do...
I'm loving the pattern design element. It's evoking all those doodles I spent hours doing on my pencil case, exercise books, binders, edge of the desk, hands, legs, friends and anything else that sat still long enough when I was a kid.
Just looking at these pics makes me want to paint another couple.
This is my new sewing zone. How lovely is the outlook? I've dragged Miss Janome into the living space temporarily in the vain hope that her presence will evoke the inspiration and courage in me to get on with a couple of major sewing adventures. I have plans to make drapes and curtains (because I can't stand the ready made begack in the shops) and an entire removable cover for our couch and it's cushions. There also sits beside the machine a double bed quilt I started back when my almost five year old son was but a wee baby. I've surrendered the fantasy of hand quilting the whole thing because that's as crazy as hand painting fifty odd tiles...
At times it gets to the point where my head is so full of projects and to-dos I'm paralyzed and can't muster the motivation to do any of them. I think it's time to write a list. Maybe that can be the next project?
What's keeping you busy?
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