Sunday, May 12, 2013

Chunky Embroidery

For some unknown reason, my normally very active son goes into a stitching haze of calm when armed with some colourful wool and a chunky plastic needle. I think we all have favourite creative mediums, and stitching is definitely one of his.
He is five and handled this well, as did his three year old sister. Just be prepared to rethread the needle. Often.
These little hoops of patterned loveliness also make great gifts. I certainly wouldn't be averse to hanging one on my wall!

1. Begin by rounding up your materials. You will need some hessian (although calico would also work), chunky plastic needles (available at craft shops), some cheap, colourful yarn, washi tape (optional) and an embroidery hoop for each child you've roped in! Embroidery hoops are pretty cheap at craft shops and even cheaper if in op shops. Grab them if you find some.

2. Cut hessian about 3cm bigger than the embroidery hoop you are using. Trace a cutting line using a pencil, if you need to.

3. Separate the outer ring from the inner ring of the embroidery hoop, using the twisty adjusting screw. Lay the hessian over the inner hoop then slip the outer hoop over, adjusting the screw if necessary. The hessian should be nice and taut, like a drum.

4. Choose a yarn colour then cut a length of about 50cm with which to thread the needle. Tie a knot in the end and you are ready to begin.

5. Poking the needle up from the back, begin stitching. It's entirely up to you as to where you let the thread lead. You might end up with a face, a house, some flowers or (my favourite) nothing in particular!

6. As each colour has been used up, tie a knot as securely as you can manage at the back of the work then rethread a new colour, tie a knot and add some more loveliness to your piece.

7. When you are satisfied with having created a mini masterpiece, tie off your final thread then trim the overhanging hessian neatly.

8. If you'd like to guild the lily, you could stick some washi tape around the outer rim of the embroidery hoop (see pictures), trimming it to fit.

9. Wrap and give to someone special!

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