Sunday, October 23, 2011

The story of my life... written in little piles of flotsam and jetsam. Eclectic collections of odds and ends that have nothing much in common other than their current status in the flow of my life at any moment in time. Do you find these accumulations around your place?
The picture above tells a tale of a trip to ikea in cold weather (hence the scarf) and a stop at an op shop to grow our current dinosaur population. The Dr Seuss is my vain attempt to foster a Seuss obsession in my children akin to that of my own childhood self. Paints a picture, doesn't it?

How about this pile of whizz bang? There's a bit of a pirate/sailor theme bubbling away around here. Neither of my children can distinguish between these two sea faring occupations, so there are a lot of "aye, aye, Captains" and "arghh, me hearties" thrown about while strutting around in the hat and the patch...and often a tutu and sparkly plastic heels, too. The cook book is a birthday present and has been instrumental in feeding all of us over the last few weeks, while Daisy Duck and Fergus Firefighter frequently cause me foot injuries as stand on them wherever they've been left last.

This final pile is from this morning. It tells the tale of a sunny Sunday afternoon optimistically spent drawing while the kids painted and coloured in. In reality, I spent much of this time swatting dripping paintbrushes away from my expensive, clean, white paper and refereeing fights. Between the screaming and biting (yes, biting!) the only drawings I managed to finish were imaginary ones. Beautiful they are, too! The sunnies are a nod to yesterday's lovely weather while the boat in a cube tells me the kids are desperate for a beach trip. The playground voucher and frog game are tokens of accomplishment belonging to a very proud four year old boy, who purchased them from our family "Box Shop" with several hard earned "razoos". No idea what that means? See my previous blog entry and the haze will lift and all will become clear. He was so proud last night I had to retrieve these and several other plastic bits of junk from under his doona.
As the bits get taken away or out back these little piles disappear, to be replaced by new little piles. The collections are always different and evolve with our changing lives. I wonder how long my fascination will last? It would be an interesting long term photographic study, perfect for prompting reflective, reminiscent conversations. I think I'll try to keep it up.

It's barely there and but a small scrap of evidence of my attempt to do some new drawings yesterday. I do have a whole series of fully resolved caravan pictures in my head and I'd like to get them finished for my upcoming bumper market season. Wish me luck!
I've nearly finished my collection of colour in alphabet cards, cross your fingers on those, too. I may just get them to the printer this week.
Finally, for those of you following my current venture into Incube8r I will share my disappointment. Upon arriving to set up last week I was met with a near empty shop with a questionable fit out and a less than ideal location. I was really excited about this opportunity, because the concept of a shop filled with artists cubes rented individually is great. Like a treasure chest of awesome. Bit this one wasn't sending me those signals, so I pulled the pin. Too big of a risk for teeny tiny buntyandsars! I will watch it closely, though. It would be nice to see it work.
In more cheery news Kid Style Hub has opened in Hawthorn complete with my colouring-in range and many other lovely locally made and designed goodies. Check out to see what else they do. It's pretty swish!

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