Monday, November 19, 2012

It's a head down...

...bum up kind of thing, this parenting business and it's a challenge for us makers of small people from the over thinking category. The first three years or so I spent desperately lacking in confidence and plowing through each day fearing the quiet moments in which I would start bench marking my capabilities against all that advice. If you have kids, you'll know the kind. It's the advice from those fat books with overalled mothers on the cover. The advice from well meaning older relatives with fading parenting memories (and hearing). And my favourite, that über excellent, expert advice you get from the luxuriously child free. I've come to realise it's all a pile of boddle. I put my fingers in my ears, sing la la la, then just get on with it.
But, occasionally I'll have a lapse. I'll momentarily look up from the task at hand just in time for someone to spit some advice at me, then rather than it bouncing off the back of my head, it hits me in the face. Self doubt rolls in, the overanalising begins and my confidence dissolves. I turn into Super Crappy Mum! Shouting at the smallest things! Ranting! Raving! And making a royal balls up of the whole shebang! Super Crappy Mum is not my superhero of choice, I must say. I'd much prefer to scoff a couple of bananas and turn into Banana Man. Much cooler and more fun.
I've been wearing that nasty superhero cape these last couple of weeks, and my favourite coping mechanism has gotten me through. I've thrown myself into some making, and Miss Three's wardrobe is all the better for it.

First I made this bear eared puffer vest.

Then this clown collared top with vintage lace around the bottom.
Drying on the line (therefore, no picture) is my favourite at the moment. It's a scrappy old bit of lining from an ancient dress whose origins I can't recall. I've strung it up with some waist elastic and a cheery edging of teal blue ric rac and it looks a treat. In fact I'm loving the aesthetic of damaged, umhemmed little girls clothes so much I've been and scavenged a big bag of potential from the op shop. I'm even contemplating selling a few bits here and there. Let me know if you're keen. Otherwise I'll just have to buy my girl a new wardrobe to store it all in!
Keep your eyes peeled for something made out of a particularly ugly, unflattering Super Crappy Mummy cape. I think I'll take great delight in chopping THAT one into little bits.

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