...is this what's missing in our society? I'm bemused and fascinated by the bigger, better, faster, fancier mentality that drives our society. People want to do more, be more, have more. They are striving and driving themselves miserable and it's largely normalized. People are perpetually disappointed and pessimistic while mental health problems are becoming disturbingly common.
It just doesn't feel right and I'm learning to look around me and see how very lucky I am. We are not a wealthy family, but I feel we've got way more than we need and for that I am grateful. We've just completed a modest renovation on our house and I feel like the Queen of Sheba. But those things, that stuff, still isn't the important bit. The important bit is family. It sounds so cliched, mainly because it's true. I see so many dysfunctional families, raising children they neither understand nor take responsibility for and I shudder. They speed through life moving on to the next big job, marriage or lifestyle and the kids come along for the ride. Like it or not. Then at the end of the road, the kids are messed up and the parents regretful. I don't want that.
When I hear people complaining about the cost of living and the necessity to work long hours and have access to full time childcare, I question it. What for? Is it to fund the big car? The overseas holiday? The private education? None of those things actually turn children in to decent people. And those years spent earning all that 'necessary' cash? Well, the kids grew up while you weren't watching. Sorry.
So, here I am with children who have reached an age which would allow me some spare hours to seek formal employment, or commit more hours to building buntyandsars as a brand and I question if this would be the best kind of contribution I could make to my family. I've recently given myself a bit more free time and reduced my commitments and since then I've been a super-awesome Mum. Patient, engaged and present. It feels good and it shows in the kids. They are better behaved, more considerate and happier. It's kind of addictive. I actually feel successful as a parent for the first time, instead of feeling inadequate and stretched too thinly. So the income thing? Well, I've just bought that book in the pic and within it I hold high hopes. I'm hoping to be inspired to take the step to simplify and become more self sufficient. Less dependent on income and more focused on home. To desire less stuff and be more creative. A reverse income, if you like. Instead of earning money, I'll be saving money. It's the kind of lifestyle that might even allow my beloved buntyandsars a long term, sustainable place in my life. Yay.
Now, excuse me while I go learn to darn socks and make my own soap...
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